
Der Verein “Wir helfen Nepal e. V.” erbaute in Gerkhutar, Nepal, eine Schule. Die Om-Mane-Schule ist sehr vorbildlich, jedoch leider nicht ausgelastet. Es gibt sehr viele Familien, die sich selbst die niedrigsten Schulgebühren, Schuluniform, Schulbücher, ja nicht mal ein Heft und einen Kugelschreiber leisten können.

Die Arbeitslosigkeit in Nepal ist sehr hoch und unter anderem damit verbunden, dass viele Nepalesen Analphabeten sind. Ein Erwachsener mit einer hinreichenden Schulausbildung hat sehr viel bessere Chancen, einen Beruf zu ergreifen, mit dem er die gesamte Familie ernähren könnte.

Und die beste, ja einzige Möglichkeit, Not, Leid und Kriege zu bekämpfen und die Menschenrechte aller zu sichern, ist Bildung.

Dean Thomas

Head of department

Campus Location

block A, 2nd floor

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14 – 16 y.o.

When your child is full of that extra energy, it is vital to make that energy flow in a practical and positive direction. This is especially true for teenage boys with the ADHD symptoms, which can be very tough to treat using the mainstream academic, behavioral and therapeutic methods. In a different environment ADHD characteristics can be the origin and the initial jumping point for a future success. Our military school for troubled teens in grades 9 and 10 develops the individual’s level of personal maturity and fundamental academic skills while preparing him ultimately for senior level courses. Our training program makes and maintains a solid foundation for success through extensive remediation in mathematics and English within the framework of the more military-grade physical activities.

Gary Thruman

Head of department

Campus Location

block A, 2nd floor

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16 – 18 y.o.

Enroll your son at our military boarding school and give him a motivational boost, the one that is distraction-free and helps your child focus on becoming a stronger, more ethical person with a strict self-discipline and a set of ethics, all being vital ingredients for him becoming a successful adult person later on.

We are able to turn him around to achieve the academic success he needs to enter university or college. Robert Land Academy provides an all-encompassing program that works for the unique needs of your son and adapts him to succeed, not fail.

Jerry McStanton

Head of department

Campus Location

block A, 2nd floor

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